Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mum, Dad, I got the job!

"If the height of my jump indicates the level of happiness I am feeling, I guess I will hit the moon. "

FINALLY. After 6 months of ups and downs, I finally accepted a job offer. It was not my dream job that I was dying to have, but it did offer a fair amount of exposure within the realms of marketing. The managers seem just and looks like know their stuff, *fingers crossed* coz' they are ladies.

Having gone through for what seemed like forever, I have finally come to the end of the tunnel!
I have always imagined that I would enter into a "bouncy" mode when the day finally comes; but no, it wasn't like that. There was no "yeah", no "top of the world" feeling; in fact, I was like "You sure this is the right one for me?".

But the message sank in a little later, "Damn, I got a pretty good offer. I'm onto a new chapter. No more dragging my feet to work and bye to all you suckers at my current firm!" And suddenly, I swear it was really suddenly, there was this near-supernatural burst of adrenaline. BANG! The long lost grin was back! It was like the song, "I'm walking on sunshine wooohoooo,"
I bet I must have been grinning all along on my train ride while text messaging my friends on the uplifting news. It was a moment of triumph. The light has finally won the darkness.Perhaps it was the long grueling job search that made the moment all the more worth celebrating. Dixie is finally moving ahead!!!

P.S. To all out there, hang in there. I know you must have heard it from everyone else, but true enough, the triumph day will come. Keep sending those resumes.

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